The answer is CrossFit…..

I have a guest writer today. The following is from my fiancée who wants to share how CrossFit benefits her in everyday life……..

“People often ask me how I manage to have enough energy to maintain a busy day, and do a physical job with ease??

My answer is always …..CrossFit!!

For many, their daily gym visit/workout does not include “functional fitness” which CrossFit encompasses. But how does this assist me in everyday life? I clean houses for a living. It’s active and requires me to constantly move and adjust. If you think it’s easy try it for a few days and come back to me ;-).

The following are examples of how it benefits me:-

Deep squats – whilst I’m cleaning showers

Plank holds– again showers/low cupboards

Rope climbs – cleaning windows; sometimes this requires me (no not to climb a rope) but I do partially climb fences and hold tight with one hand whilst cleaning with the other.

Tight core – balancing on unstable chairs/ladders whilst cleaning (anyone working in health & safety can look away at that one). Also keeping and maintaining a good posture whilst grocery shopping and this in turn activities the abdominals.

Pull ups – I love doing these on anything that will hold my weight! I’ve even been known for doing these on the doorframes of changing rooms.

Front Squats– some clients have loaded bars and dumbbells lying around, so I’ll do some reps of front squats with the bar and overhead snatches with the dumbbells.

The following quote is for those that don’t know about CrossFit…yet. You may not think it’s for you but it doesn’t single anyone out it brings people together.

The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.“

Not only do I have a demanding physical job I am also bringing up my children. CrossFit has enabled me to have the energy and strength to get through it all. I am an athlete in my own right. I may not compete at the CrossFit games but I’d like to see them do what I do day in day out. Everyone is different and I just wanted to share that for me CrossFit is the answer. I hope this inspires you as it does me.”

If you have similar experiences you would like to share with Claire please comment below we’d really like to hear from you.
